Would you like to know your destiny?

For believers . . .

This thought came to me while reading Romans 8 with the GAP class on Sunday:

We all want to know God’s will for our life (as we phrase it), and we are deeply interested in our destiny. Not necessarily our eternal destiny, although that does have a way of gripping the mind at times too. But we want to know where we’re headed in this life. Young people and students want to live epic lives. Speaking as a man, I know that many men want a destiny of significance – men want to matter. Many singles dream of their destiny of marital bliss. Wives and mothers often dream of a destiny beyond the routine daily workload they carry. Many of us hope we are destined for greatness.

And with all that we’re still shooting too low.

Here’s our destiny, straight out of the Bible:

For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

Romans 8:29 (ESV)

Unfortunately, it’s hard for many of us to read that passage without tripping over “he also predestined” as it pertains to election, God’s sovereignty, and similar topics. While that is important, it’s not, in my opinion, the point here. Because what this verse tells us is our destiny.

Our destiny as children of God is to be conformed to the image of his Son. To be like Jesus. And that doesn’t mean to be better, or to be good, although if we’re like Jesus we will most certainly be better than we are; the aim here isn’t to become a new and improved version of yourself, although improvement for most of us would be very much welcomed.

No, we are destined to be like Jesus. This goes beyond self-improvement to the complete overthrow of who we are now. As someone once said to me, we are not to turn over a new leaf, but rather to become a new leaf. Our Father is patient, yet amazingly focused and fiercely dedicated to the tearing down, destruction, and razing of our brokenness and the rebuilding of our lives into the image of his Son. To be conformed to his image, resurrecting from the tomb of our fallenness into a life such as we’ve never known. In case you’ve ever wondered, that’s God’s plan for your life.

And he will bring it to pass.

Because it’s your destiny!

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” – Philippians 1:6 (ESV)

5 thoughts on “Would you like to know your destiny?

  1. Interesting thoughts Bill. Are you stating this for all people or just Believers? What of those who don’t know Him or who said they do and have turned away? Do you mean he will bring it pass because at the end of your life, after death your will be conformed regardless of your beliefs at death?

  2. Hey Cos

    I have added a line to the top of the post – this is for believers only. I am not a universalist, but I can see how someone might get the wrong idea while reading this.

    Only those who believe in Jesus, who have received his free gift of eternal life through faith in his atoning death and resurrection, will be conformed to his likeness.

  3. Way cool. I like the leaf quote, too!

    Of course, this links well with “What’s my purpose in life?” to which one is answered, “To Glorify God.”

    I think sometimes when people ask what their purpose in life is, they’re really wanting to ask, what should my life look like? This post really addresses the “ultimate question” than the purpose answer.

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