While you’re at it . . .

Do you know anyone who you used to see in church, used to fellowship with, used to worship with, and you just haven’t seen them for awhile? Do you know anyone who’s bitter at the church, swamped in sin, depressed, or just very dry?

I encourage you to pray for them, and to contact them in some way. Some people are just waiting for someone to notice their pain. Some just need a nudge, some encouragement, and some confidence that God is really there.

What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it?”

– Luke 15:4 (ESV)

I admit that I have often, to my shame, forgotten about the lost sheep because I was too busy hanging around with the ninety-nine.

We hope that they’ll just come back on their own. But I think that they really need to be gone after. Not all will come back. But some might.

Also . . .

A good friend of my sister’s husband passed away this morning. He was 39 years old with two small kids. He died of liver and brain cancer.

Pray for peace and healing for his family. Thanks.

Please pray

I don’t know this person, but he’s obviously hurting. I wonder how many other people feel this way? Please read his post, leave him an encouraging note, and really pray for him, at least once. Thanks.

[saw this on the BHT]

The God who has all things . . .

I noticed this lyric for the first time yesterday; it’s from one of Barlow Girl’s latest songs:

I just never saw how You could cherish me

‘Cause You’re a God who has all things

And still You want me.

– Barlow Girl, I Need You To Love Me

Now that’s an amazing thought. And though this song falls squarely into the intimate worship genre – not in everyone’s comfort zone, I know – I still believe these words are both true and heartfelt.

He is the God who has all things. Why does he trouble with me? It would certainly be less trouble for him to disregard my ramshackle soul, no?

Yet he wants me. And he means to have me, to glorify him and enjoy him forever. And he can do anything, and his arm is not too short to save nor is there anywhere I can hide from his presence. So I believe this is a done deal.

If he means to have you, trust me, you’re had. Done deal. He is amazing, and he loves beyond our furthest understanding and saves to the uttermost. See what kind of love the Father has given to us!

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.

– 1 John 3:1a (ESV)

The prayer of a righteous person . . .

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

– James 5:16 (ESV)

I did a little bit of research on the word translated “righteous” in James 5:16b. The word is “dikaiou” (δικαίου) and it is an adjective. I found out that it means . . . righteous.

It also is sometimes translated “just”, meaning “without prejudice or partiality”.

Digression question: have I spent a waking moment of my lifetime without prejudice or partiality?


But, bottom line, it means what it says. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

I feel like I’ve been praying with more fervency lately – but still not nearly enough as I need to. I’m not sure I’m praying well; vain repetition is my wont. Yet there are so many people, starting with my family, that come to mind and my prayers multiple times a day these days.

Prayer, frankly, is a scary thing. We don’t know what is unleashed when we pray. James 5:16 says that the prayer of a righteous person has great power. And yet tonight my mind finds itself set on earthly things and my internal motivations seem laid bare. I wonder where I stand in the righteousness spectrum; in the scarlet darkness of false righteousness or in the dazzling, clear light of Jesus. Somewhere closer to the former is my guess. And my shame.

But I am commanded to pray. The context in James 5:16 holds the promise of healing when we pray, and of resulting righteousness, and resulting power. God is so good! I believe that heaven moves at times when we pray, and that mountains are flung into the sea and that powers and principalities and people and things are bound and loosed. And so I will pray, as my day goes and I move about in this world. And may God restore and revive and hold safe these precious ones on my heart, and may we all one day see the hand of God moving and energizing our prayers; may we see the grace that was endowed on others as we lifted them up, and – humbling and blessed sight! – may we someday, when we’re home, see the prayers of those dear souls, best of friends even if unknown to us, who lifted us up to God. And may we see the resulting flood of grace that covered us.

In brief

I don’t know why I’m so blessed . . .

There’s nothing like being around young people who love Jesus and glorify him. I got an email today that blew me away.

Medium-Moot last night was great. Rod was there, and Thor. And Thundergeek, and Stroke. Blo was “there”, although his ethereal image has faded from all the pictures I took. Very strange. Andrew showed up for awhile too and he and Thor and I had a rousing conversation. It was good.

No man is a failure who has friends.

– Clarence Oddbody, Angel 2nd Class

Jill and I are so blessed to have the kids we have. And they’re growing up quick!

My friend, I enjoyed our talk in the car. I look up to you, and believe in you, and always have.

Things have been busy. Lots of website work at night these days, if you’re wondering where I’ve been. Some planned, some not [Bill shakes his fist at blogosphere comment spammers].

Jill and I are possibly taking a trip to bustling Clebern tomorrow to pick up her birthday present! I love hanging out with my wife!

I told Thor I might teach on Psalm 119 this Sunday and he handed me four books containing about 2000 pages of commentary, just on that one Psalm. That’s amazing. He’s awesome.

I am going to continue my series (um, can you call one introductory post a “series”? Oh well, I will) on James 5:16. The question bouncing around in my mind is “when”. The answer is “soon” but I might just be lying to myself.

I haven’t worked on Bloo all week. It was probably a good time to take a short break. But I’ve been thinking about it a lot – I’m almost past the “get the basics working” stage and ready to embark on the cool stuff. I love that.

Gotta go! Life beckons.

James 5:16b

The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

– James 5:16b (ESV)

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

– James 5:16b (NIV)

The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.

– James 5:16b (NASB)

πολὺ ἰσχÏ?ει δέησις δικαίου á¼?νεÏ?γουμένη

– James 5:16b (New Testament Greek)

I’d like to understand this verse better. I hope to study it and write on it over the next few days.

I also hope to practice it better.

Some mindless spam protection

I have upgraded to Bloo build 8. One new feature in this build is the SimpleHumanCheck spam filter. It’s mindless and probably really irritating, but I’m putting it out there as a stopgap because I’m being inundated with spam.

If you leave a comment, you will be asked a question only a human being (in theory) can answer. This is probably pretty easy to crack if some spammer wants to do so, but since I can change the questions around (heh heh) I can stay a step ahead of them.

Note my overconfident air . . . pride goes before the fall, of course. So I’ll probably get swamped.

More intelligent spam filtering is coming.

G’night all!

The Hand Song

I was listening to my shuffle mix on the bus today when The Hand Song by Nickel Creek came on. Out of the blue I found myself getting all misty-eyed. Sheesh.

Then walking to the office it came on again. Hmm. *ahem*. Whew. Boy, the dust sure is bad today. Got *ahem* something in my *sniff* eye.

*sigh* – I’m such a sap . . .

He still remembers that night as child

On his mother’s knee

She held him close and she opened her bible

And quietly started to read

And seeing a picture of Jesus he cried out

“Momma, he’s got some scars just like me.”

And he knew it was love

It was one he could understand

He was showing his love

And that’s how he hurt his hands