Rock Me Like a Hurricane

I live in a place that gets hit with hurricanes and bad storms frequently. The eye of Beryl passed right over our house last week, for example.

I’ve started asking questions: why do so many evangelicals consider concern over global warming to be the equivalent of bad doctrine? It would seem that the opposite should be true: we have been mandated to tend and keep this garden. Shouldn’t we be about that?

I am not a climate scientist. But I’ve lived where I live for thirty-one years. For the first couple of decades we weren’t expecting to get hit with flooding and destroyed houses every single year. Now that is the basic expectation. I know many people who’s power is still out. They dealt with theĀ exact same issue two months ago when another (non-hurricane strength) storm hit us. Maybe it’s just aging infrastructure, but these events certainly seem to be hitting us with more frequency. No one I know thinks we won’t have another huge storm or hurricane this season.

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