Deconstructing Star Wars plot holes

I walked out of the latest Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens, think that it was a really good movie with some serious flaws. But after reading this take-down by Matty Granger of a recent negative Huffington Post review of the movie, I think some of my objections were unfair. He answers the HuffPo article plot hole by plot hole, often hilariously. He swayed me; I’m actually a lot more excited now about future installments.

Here are some of my favorite responses. (Warning: Granger’s article contains some salty language).

4. Rey becomes nearly as effective a Force-user in a few hours as Luke Skywalker did in a few years.

Yeah. Makes you wonder why doesn’t it? Kinda feels like we’re being set up for something in the future. I wonder if we’ll ever find out about her mysterious past and her mystical connection to the Force and Luke Skywalker? If you don’t understand that this is set-up for future films, then you should have your Netflix password taken away from you.

5. Just minutes before Starkiller Base explodes, Supreme Leader Snoke tells Hux to go get Kylo Ren and take him off the planet. Unfortunately, Ren had recently (unbeknownst to Hux) run into the woods like a lunatic, leaving no information about his whereabouts. It’s no problem, though, because Hux apparently has special Kylo Ren GPS.

Or the powerful Force user Snoke closes his eyes for two seconds and tells Hux exactly where Kylo is. Unless of course that power is reserved for first-time Force users like Leia when trying to find her brother who’s hanging from a twig on the under-side of Cloud City. Don’t make me use the Original Trilogy against you, dude. That [stuff’s] just wrong.

14. Finn is an ex-janitor who goes AWOL from a Stormtrooper force numbering in the tens of thousands. Yet he is absolutely convinced, despite being someone of no importance whatsoever to the First Order, that he will be chased across the galaxy for having defected.

And breaking a high-value prisoner out of the brig. And stealing a Tie Fighter. And blowing up a few dozen guys. And shooting up the landing bay of a Star Destroyer. Not to mention helping return the droid the First Order is scouring the galaxy for to the Resistance. All things considered, I think he has a pretty good reason to believe what he does. Also, he’s not a janitor. Just thought I’d remind you. Again.

And, perhaps my favorite

29. Who trained Rey to fight with a staff as effectively as she does, given that (a) she is an orphan with no friends or family, and (b) she has never been in a battle, but is, rather, merely a scrap-metal scavenger?

Dude. Wander down to the poorest part of whatever town you’re in and pick a fight with a mangy little mutt of a guy. The smaller the better. Once you’re out of the hospital, you’ll realize that people who are forced to survive in the harshest environments don’t train to fight. They learn the hard way and they get really, really good at it.

Read the whole thing.