“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
Matthew 5:6 ESV
Satisfaction. It is elusive. Many of us live with a gnawing sense of hunger
, a dry thirst that cries out to be sated. But what are we hungry and thirsty for?
There is only one hunger and thirst that Jesus promises satisfaction for: righteousness. Many of us spend our lives hungering and thirsting for money
, fame, influence, power, fun, pleasure, food and drink. We are a sad lot, because none of these things ultimately satisfy.
Hungering and thirsting for righteousness can be a hard road in this world that is so devoid of it. But ultimately that is where satisfaction lies
, because that is where the golden Kingdom of Christ is. Our righteous King is beckoning us on and running before us, walking beside us, carrying us. Further up and further into the one who will set all things right.