What, I have a blog?

Sorry for the lack of posting these last few days. But my three readers should not despair: Life has been good and busy, that’s all.

Our church is getting ready for our White Christmas/Christmas Cafe event this weekend. I am playing bass in the Cafe Band, so I’m practicing quite a bit (and a lot of it is jazz! Yikes!), and we’ve been rehearsing late into the night recently. This year my son Andrew is also playing electric guitar on a Christmas Cafe song – O Holy Night – with the high school worship band. I think that’s pretty cool.

My wife and our other three are also busy. It’s Christmas for crying out loud! Of course we’re running in fifteen different directions! 🙂

I’ve been working on Bloo version 0.18 – it is a Major Step Forward*! I’m getting close to public domain release – probably by version 0.20, I think. I’m definitely feeling the wind in my hair on this one.

And now, some tasty links my three readers might enjoy:

Jared has written a review of the new Narnia movie.

Dan posts some advice for how churches should accomodate us introverts

Jen has a cold. Get well, Jen!

Jared is taking another break to finish his third (!) novel. I, on the other hand, am still stalled on my first. Chapter six, you are the bane of my existence! [Bill shakes his fist at chapter six]. I really, really want to get to chapter eight because it’s really good (well, I think so at least); it has this nifty scene with Daniel and Toni in a Mexican restaurant that I wrote a couple of years ago. Yeah, it’s been that long. Lots of things have intruded.

Charlie at Another Think has some interesting things to say about .

And, finally, Woohoo! BlestWithSons won!.

Have a great night, everyone.

* Major Step Forward = lots of changes in areas of the blog plumbing that you can’t see and won’t notice. But trust me, they are cool!

15 thoughts on “What, I have a blog?

  1. o holy night is gonna be fun. but this white christmas thing is killing my time!. but i love it. if you havnt heard o holy night. i think you will be blown away. andrew is amazing. as always. and joey is rocking away. and with courtney and katie on vocals you can have some sweet harmony going. and i do nothing on the bass. but jared. is becoming an excellent keyboardist

    looking forward to the whole event. i will see you at practice on thursday. and shows there after

  2. Bill,

    As one writer to another: skip your stalled chapter and move on to the one you want to write. No one said you had to chronologically write every chapter. I’ve often written the beginning and ending of my stuff first, then gone back and filled in the middle. All that matters is that the finished product flows, not how it got there.

  3. Bill, thanks for the link to Dan’s post on introverts. I may not come across as one in my comments but that is because I’ve got this here computer screen and keyboard between you and me.

  4. Bill, I thought you were writing it out of order anyway.

    third(!) novel

    You know, when you put it that way, it actually sounds like I’ve accomplished something. 😉

    Now back to my corner . . .

  5. I was, but I got away from that practice. I think it’s probably a good idea to get back to it.

    You have accomplished a lot, Jared – your future publisher just doesn’t know it yet 🙂

    Oh, thanks for putting this post in the top ten! (doesn’t take much around here 🙂

  6. Bill,

    If you’re just looking for comments to help a post climb into the top ten, any ol’ simpleton can help out there. (I’ve been known to help out in that respect before: wink, wink;)

    But it’s good to have you back posting again, both here and at Thinklings. Glad to hear life’s going well, especially around Christmas time. I don’t hear enough of that.

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