Ah, Wisdom!

Wisdom calls aloud in the street,

she raises her voice in the public squares;

at the head of the noisy streets she cries out,

in the gateways of the city she makes her speech:

Proverbs 1:20-21 (NIV)

Wisdom – what is it? As you read the Bible you realize that, however it is defined, it is golden in God’s eyes. It seems to me that wisdom is not so much “knowledge”, and it is not high philosophy or an intricate system of logic. It is what God granted Solomon in 1 Kings 3 when he prayed for a discerning heart and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. It is the ability to see clearly, and to judge rightly, and to know God’s will. True wisdom only comes from God.

And Wisdom is not something God hoards. No, the God whom Paul referred to as the “Only Wise” invites us to ask Him for it. He’s got a storehouse of it that He is ready to pour out on you and I, liberally and without reproach:

If you need wisdom–if you want to know what God wants you to do–ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking. – James 1:5

How can we not fall head over heels in love with God after reading that? We all need wisdom – it keeps us from making dumb choices and messing up our lives and the lives of those around us. And God offers it lavishly. He wants us to ask.

And wisdom is persistent – she’s in the streets, crying out, rattling cages, practically whacking us over the head.

“You simpletons!” she cries. “How long will you go on being simpleminded? How long will you mockers relish your mocking? How long will you fools fight the facts? Come here and listen to me! I’ll pour out the spirit of wisdom upon you and make you wise. – Proverbs 1:22-23

Heh – I like the fact that God chose to personify Wisdom as a lady in this passage, and one not to be trifled with either. Wisdom is a commodity that we often think we can do without, and we – wait, let me just change that to “I” – flounder about, making my daily choices usually depending on my own increasingly faulty faculties.

I may not be a king like Solomon, but I am a dad, and I’ve got a family that is depending on me to lead them wisely, and we’re facing situations that we’ve never dealt with before, and, dear Lord, the stakes are high.

So I’m asking, Lord. Pour out a spirit of wisdom on us and make us wise. Lady Wisdom is invited to come make herself at home, rearrange the furniture, sing loudly at the breakfast table, and whack us over the heads if need be. Thank you for Your promise.

Lord, grant us wisdom!

One thought on “Ah, Wisdom!

  1. Given the relative “wisdom” between my wife and me, I can definitely see why He chose a lady to personify it with. 😮

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