“Love his wife”

Now, let me say that the church is not the center of God’s plan. Jesus is. But, the church is central to God’s plan. Jesus places the church in a position of great importance…

If you claim to be a disciple of Jesus, then love his wife. Don’t be guilty of going to great lengths to show your love for Christ while ignoring, marginalizing, or attacking the Bride.

Ed Stetzer

[Hat Tip: Provocations and Pantings]

3 thoughts on ““Love his wife”

  1. Amen, bro. A few weeks ago I performed a quick word study of the phrase “one another” in the NT epistles. The result was forty or so verses telling the various churches to “love one another”, “care for one another”, “greet one another”, “bear one another’s burdens”, “be kind to one another”, etc. Even a cursory reading of those verses makes it crystal clear that Jesus does not view actively helping, encouraging, admonishing, or feeding our fellow believers as an option.

    Loving the Bride is essential in loving the Groom.

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