My daughter, the PopStar!

My daughter, Bethany, is in her freshman year of high school. Also attending her school is a young actor named Tony Oller, who stars in the Disney short series “As the Bell Rings”. Throughout this first semester Bethany got to know Tony a bit (they say hi in the halls, are MySpace friends, etc)

Today we got a fun surprise. Bethany was a bit shy about telling us this, but it turns out that awhile ago she sent a picture of herself and Tony to PopStar!รขโ€žยข magazine as part of a contest.

And, wouldn’t you know it – if you know Beth, this is no surprise, actually ๐Ÿ™‚ – here she is, right on page 32 (I scanned this in tonight).


And here’s the magazine cover.

4 thoughts on “My daughter, the PopStar!

  1. Well, I mean, it wasn’t exactly my dream to be in the popstar maganzine as a “fan!”

    but, someday I’ll be on the cover.


    This is quite the opposite of “not wanting to make a big deal of this” Oh wellz, oh wellz.

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