My trip to the dentist

I went to the dentist on Wednesday. It had been awhile since my last visit, which is insane because, frankly, at my age you’d think I’d be more interested in keeping my choppers. I’ll cut through the suspense right away and let you know that I had no cavities. Not bad, and I credit that to the fact that I brush my teeth about 6 times a day. It’s sort of an obsession with me.

They took X-Rays of my mouth, which I appreciated because it’s good to get irradiated now and then, don’t you think? I was pleased that they cared enough about the health of my internal organs to give me a lead-lined apron to wear – as deadly radiation was blasted through my skull. I don’t understand.

They also took my blood pressure. All my life it has been a cool 110 over 70. It is now 130 over 80. I asked the nurse if that was high.

“No,” she replied, “you just old.”

Very funny.

They had the Ellen talk show on, starring Ellen Degeneres. I find her somewhat amusing. I guess a lot of the people who watch that show have bladder problems, because they had a commercial for “Poise” adult diapers featuring an attractive older woman, ballroom dancing with a carefree expression on her face. She was wearing her Poise diaper and had no worries. Later they had a “Detrol” commercial featuring what I thought was the same woman wearing a large, yellow, sandwich-board which stated “I have bladder control problems”.

I hope I never have to wear diapers. Don’t you? I mean, I did that once already.

The doctor chided me for brushing my teeth too hard, and I now have to start using a soft bristled-toothbrush. In addition, he wants me to wear a mouthguard because I’m grinding my teeth away in my sleep. I actually don’t think I do this anymore, although I used to.

I’m not sure why I wrote this post, and my guess is that at this time you’re not sure why you read it! 🙂

Writer’s block . . . [grumble]

6 thoughts on “My trip to the dentist

  1. First of all, I laughed *really* hard at the picture. 🙂

    I haven’t been to the dentist in quite a while, partly because I fear it, and partly because I just haven’t. Thank God, the worst I ever had was a loose tooth pulled; I’ve never had a cavity, and my teeth miraculously straightened themselves out to perfection without braces. Weird, huh? My teeth are nearly perfectly straight, except for a small gap between my front two (that’s gotten smaller with time), when my parents were *sure* I’d need braces. Neat. 🙂

    I don’t recall the last time I had radiation pounded through my *head*, but at least you’re not a 14 year old girl being asked over and over if she was pregnant! *shakes head* (“Is there any chance at all that you’re pregnant?” “NO!! Exactly how clear do I have to be?!”) The last time I was X-rayed was when I fractured my ankle, and let me tell you, it’s not fun swinging a pressure fracture on to the table, then holding it in position.

    Suddenly, I’m also not sure why I wrote this, and you’re not sure why you read it.

  2. Hay! Push out babies then see what happens when you sneeze or cough! Depends on how big those babies are and how small that bladder is!

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