Good, good news!

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. – Galatians 1:6-9 ESV

Can you hear Paul’s urgency, his frustration, his sharp edges in this passage? It is rare for Paul to launch mortars this early in one of his letters, but he’s certainly lighting them off here. The reason is because turning to a different gospel is not just bad, it’s deadly.

The word “gospel” means “good news”. I remember when I first understood the good news as good news. This was quite a while after I had first heard it, because it took a while for me to understand how good this news really is, and I didn’t really get that until I understood how bad I am.

Good news! Jesus loves me. Good news! He died for me. Good news! He’s perfect, and obeyed and obeys God perfectly, so his death was a perfect sacrifice for me, paying the penalty that I simply could not pay.

Good news! He rose again from death and lives forevermore, interceding for me.

Good news! He is everything I’m not so I need to receive his gift and lordship, giving my meager everything to him in exchange for his infinite everything so that all he is can fill the howling vacuum of my emptiness apart from him.

Such good, good news this is!

Astonishing, isn’t it, if my eyes stray from this good news toward some other salvation-scheme that’s less Jesus and more me? Why would I do that? But how susceptible I am

, as so many of us are, to replacing this good news with something else.

Oh my soul, focus on this good news, learn all of its music by heart, and sing it well for those who don’t know it, so that they can pick up the tune as written by the Lord of all good news.

For some I guess this is a feature, not a bug

Sounds like a threat

, doesn’t it? Here’s a pleasant thought: giving the full might of the Executive branch, with all its IRS auditors, machine guns, NSA/FBI/CIA agents, the whole smash, to a guy who thinks like Trump. For me the prevailing theme of this current election season is not liberal vs. conservative. This election seems to be pitting those who would like a Strong Man to come in, trample our (his?) enemies and solve all our problems versus those who still desire government restraint, especially in the Executive branch.

The Strong Man side is winning.

As Neo writes:

Some people do indeed want to do just that—they long for it and would celebrate it—right up until the moment the crocodile eats them. The human desire for tyranny knows no bounds, left or right, and people delude themselves when they say it won’t or can’t happen, or that it will be okay if it’s used in the interests of their own pet causes.

And by the way, this isn’t some anomaly on Trump’s part; it’s a deep and abiding character trait and favorite weapon. This is the pattern of his entire adult life: threaten, threaten, threaten; insult, insult, insult; sue, sue, sue. Anything he can to hurt his enemies. He makes Nixon and Obama look like pikers.


Bohemian Rhapsody

Bohemian Rhapsody rockgrass cover by Hayseed Dixie.

Posted by Rockabilly Worldwide on Friday

, February 19, 2016

Roger Kimball with some hope

I suppose it is possible that Donald Trump — the man who supports single-payer health care (Obamacare on steroids), who didn’t know about the nuclear triad until a few weeks ago, who once proposed a 14.25% wealth tax on “the rich,” and until 15 minutes ago was an enthusiastic proponent of abortion on demand, even that form of infanticide euphemistically described as “partial birth abortion” by its partisans — I suppose it is possible that Donald Trump will get the country to rally around him and hand him the Republican nomination.

As of Sunday, February 21, 2016, I doubt it. There was a moment, just a few weeks back, when I thought the choice would be between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. I have now privately reverted — well, I suppose it’s not all that private — to my earlier hypothesis that the GOP race will come down to Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio.

I say this notwithstanding Donald Trump’s lead in the polls. For one thing, the polls do not really make allowance for Trump’s astronomical, off-the-charts negatives, which have yet to be adequately factored into the psephologist’s handicaps.

I hope he’s right.

One way I express that hope: I’ve yet to create a “Donald Trump” tag for these blog posts. Hopefully I won’t need one in a few months. Time will tell.

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Given over

Donald Trump won his second straight primary tonight and I am baffled but no longer surprised. I don’t normally go for apocalyptic thinking when it comes to politics, but I do believe that God will give you over to your desires and permit you to take the consequences, and as a country we’ve grown ever more voracious in our desire for ungodly things. So . . . maybe we’re being given over.

On the bright side, if Trump wins I will be, for the first time in my adult life, a man without a party. Well, good. I’ve always strongly identified with the conservative side of the house, but I started realizing over the past six years or so that there is no “fix” for what ails us in our political process. Good leaders can

, of course, make things somewhat better but I think our system becomes more unwieldy each cycle and I’m not sure that any of the required incentives for good government exist anymore. So this election cycle is just confirming what I’ve been slowly learning and hopefully will get me focused more on the One who really is going to fix everything.

Nominating a man like Donald Trump (if that happens) and electing him to the Presidency (an event I once would have thought completely impossible but now I think there’s an even shot) will be the dumbest thing we as a country have done for quite some time. We keep falling for the megalomaniacs and narcissists who tell us what they think we want to hear. Trump’s supporters are convinced that he is going to take care of our Biggest Problem™: illegal immigration.

Who says that’s our biggest problem? Here’s a list of what I believe are some of our biggest problems, just to name a few, each of which dwarfs the illegal immigration problem:

  1. The absolute destruction of the African American family unit, largely due to idiotic government policies and perverse incentives. Seriously, the societal problems that spring from the dissolution of the family (regardless of your color, but the African American community has been the hardest hit) are akin to taking a bazooka round to the abdomen compared to the pinprick of illegal immigration. According to the CDC (referenced in this article among many others), the out-of-wedlock birthrate among African American women is 72%, with not as high but still very high rates among other groups.
  2. The breakdown in our system of separation of powers. Seriously, the President these days can do almost anything he or she chooses, or at least can attempt to do anything he or she chooses and force the opposition to mount an expensive and time consuming legal challenge to stop it. Between executive orders, presidential memoranda, and the all but unstoppable and almost completely unaccountable regulatory regime of the executive branch, the President wields more power than ever. By the way, Trump supporters, your man doesn’t even act like he’s ever read the Constitution and I have zero confidence that he will roll back the current trends toward Executive hegemony. He’ll do the opposite, I believe. But, hey, you wanted a strong man who “gets things done” so enjoy the ride.
  3. We don’t know how to reason or think anymore, or how to have a congenial and good-faith debate with those who differ from us. Tolerance, that vaunted character trait everyone has always at least pretended to value, is almost nowhere to be found in our public discourse. We’ve become one big, ongoing, never-ending food fight.
  4. As a country we owe 19 trillion dollars to creditors.

None of these issues are going to be seriously addressed by the next President if current trends hold.

Sorry for the doom and gloom. Hopefully I’m wrong.

Pure in heart

“Blessed are the pure in heart

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, for they shall see God.” – Matthew 5:8 ESV

We were discussing this verse, along with the other Beatitudes, last night in College lifegroup. One of the people in our group mentioned that this verse is hard – that he struggles with being pure in heart.

It dawned on me that I’m not  exactly sure what “pure in heart” means. I realized that I haven’t thought about it much, to my discredit. Then a definition of pure in heart presented itself to me; here it is:

“You’ll know that you’re pure in heart when you would be comfortable with other people being able to hear the innermost thoughts of your heart.”

I realized right then that I have so far to go. I think all sorts of horrible things. I entertain bitterness, envy, anger, selfish dreams, and all manner of other bad things in my heart and it would horrify me if other people could hear my thoughts.

I’m not kidding – this scares me. I need heart surgery.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. – Psalm 19:14 ESV

“It is safe to tell the pure in heart that they shall see God, for only the pure in heart want to.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain

Turning the tide

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. – Galatians 1:3-5 ESV

“To deliver us from the present evil age.” There’s something there, tangible, that I often miss.

Through his death and resurrection, the Lord Jesus delivered us from death and hell, and has given us eternal life. It’s easy to think of that deliverance only in the future tense. But if you’re paying attention you’ll notice that the New Testament resonates brightly with a sense of the Now.

Salvation in Jesus is forever, of course. But forever started that moment that he took you into himself. These days have enough trouble of their own; deliverance from these days, these evil days, is happening now.

Deliverance from, not teleportation out of.

The Lord is with us – that’s his forever promise – and he is turning us each day into immortal beings like himself who are becoming immune to the evil of our times, and indeed are daily more and more a part of his heavenly host, turning the tide.

Your kingdom come

, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  – Matthew 6:10 ESV