Whaur Dae Ye Lie?

My daughter’s high school theater group just finished a run of the play The Women of Lockerbie. Jill and I went to every show. Of course, a big reason for that was that Bethany was playing the central role of Madeline, the grieving mother. But we also went because the play is a great play, done in the form of a Greek tragedy, complete with a chorus, and Bethany’s theater group performed it so well. It is a wrenching, haunting exploration of grief, hatred, love and cleansing.

In the final scene, as Madeline and the women of Lockerbie washed the clothes of the dead, a recording of the song below was played. It’s heartbreaking and I thought I’d share it with you.

Whaur Dae Ye Lie?

Karine Polwart


Whaur dae ye lie, my faither?

Whaur dae ye lie, my son?

Whaur dae ye lie, my ain true love?

When will the truth be won?

Oor friends, they came tae protect us

Oor friends they bad us bide

Oor friends left us standing there naked

Wi nae place left tae hide

Oor neighbours, they came wi a hundred year hate

Oor neighbours, they came wi guns

Oor neighbours, they came for oor menfolk

An they slew them, everyone

I hae sought oot yer grave wi my mother

I hae sought oot yer grave in vain

I hae sought the bare banes o’ the truth and the men

Faither, whaur are ye lane?

I hae cried oot yer name tae the for winds

I hae cried oot yer name til the dawn

I hae cried in the arms o’ yer sister dear

Whaur dae ye lie my son?

I hae dream’d o’ yer breath upon me

I hae dream’d o’ yer yella hair

I hae dream’d o’ the sounds o yer dyin love

Whaur dae ye lie, my dear?

The Overflow of His Infinite Worth

I have heard it said, “God didn’t die for frogs. So he was responding to our value as humans.” This turns grace on its head. We are worse off than frogs. They have not sinned. They have not rebelled and treated God with the contempt of being inconsequential in their lives. God did not have to die for frogs. They aren’t bad enough. We are. Our debt is so great, only a divine sacrifice could pay it.

There is only one explanation for God’s sacrifice for us. It is not us. It is “the riches of his grace” (Ephesians 1:7). It is all free. It is not a response to our worth. It is the overflow of his infinite worth. In fact, that is what divine love is in the end: a passion to enthrall undeserving sinners, at great cost, with what will make us supremely happy forever, namely, his infinite beauty.

– John Piper, Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die

Young Singles HomeGroup

Young Singles HomeGroup was really good tonight. Worship time (music provided by iPod) was good, and then we talked about Isaiah 53 and Ephesians 4:17-5:2, continuing from Piper’s Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die. Prayer time was good and then . . . two hours of Balderdash!

It’s been a long and trying week. I’m tired but I’ll go to bed happy tonight.

More miscellany

The college and young singles home group last night was great – a whole lot of them came over (I think we had around 16 to 20 or thereabouts). I love those people! They were talkative, open, we ate, sang, studied, discussed, prayed and played games together. It was a good start.

Jill and I were talking last night, and I remarked that we’ll have ups and downs in this thing. Last night was an up, but my goal is to be flexible and persevere through the downs.

I spent the last few hours dragging seventeen years of stuff out of our attic. The garage now looks like a landfill, but the attic is completely cleaned out. Now to start rebuilding . . . the great Garage Renovation of 2010 is in progress. Slow progress, albeit.

No soccer this weekend. Which is a good thing.

I’m almost done with Bloo version 1.32. Will be deploying the 1.31 test version very soon (maybe today). In 2010, I’ll be doing a lot more (and more frequent) Bloo releases. This first one is more or less a maintenance release, with a few goodies thrown in. More later.

Soon will get my lesson prepared for tomorrow.

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. – John 6:35

Have a great weekend!


I’m driving Jill’s Sebring full time now. Our mechanic pronounced it beyond help a few weeks ago. I’m becoming an expert in working the “feel” of a transmission that doesn’t want to shift. Also, the engine sounds like I’m shaking a can full of bolts. So every day’s gravy.

Daddy date with Bethany tonight was good. She’s awesome. She puts up with a lot too.

Great talk with Molly last night.

I was in a room full of millionaires today. “Room full of millionaires” would make a cool band name.

Lost Premier party tomorrow night at our place!

Cooper lives to have his belly rubbed.

Cooper is our dog, by the way.

I am gearing up to liveblog 24 again tonight. We’ll see.

I’m going to weigh 400 pounds.

That is all.

Blake’s team

Here’s a cool picture of Blake’s soccer team, the Dallas Texans – Houston Division Legend ’98.

DTH Legend

Blake is number 25, in front, giving us his best game face. The cool thing about this picture is that every kid who got a team picture got to be in the front. It’s not really a group shot; The photographer took individual pictures of each kid and photoshopped each kid in the front for the shot they purchased. Very nice.

Blake’s team played the first day of a soccer tournament today. It was fun, although it was FREEZING out at the fields. His team won the first game 2-0 against Chivas. Blake scored a goal, capitalizing on a great cross from Pablo. Unfortunately, the second game against Tigres was very tough, and they lost 3-0. Tomorrow they face the Houstonians, which is a very, very tough team.

Go Legend!

Update: They tied the Houstonians 2 to 2, which was disappointing (especially since the Houstonians second goal was off a questionable call resulting in a PK) but the boys played their hearts out in the cold and mud. Well done!


Today I’ll finish preparing to teach a Bible study tomorrow, one that I don’t deserve to teach.

I almost always feel that way. My words and actions of the past week come back to me (and this isn’t false piety – I was a self-indulgent jerk this week at times).

But teach I shall, and I pray God speaks, in spite of me.