Bloo v 0.15 is coming

In case any of you were wondering if I’m ever going to put out the next version of this software. . .

I’ve been working on version 0.15 off and on over the last few weeks, mainly in little snatches. It’s been a busy time.

This version maintains the slow progress curve I’ve been following – it will have some better stuff “behind the curtains”, will fix a few bugs, and will greatly improve the admin sections you don’t see. It will also (hopefully) include trackback and some other nice SnapOns on the front end.

Regarding comments spam: I’m working through some ideas about how to “recognize” spam when it hits. I’m tired of playing the chase game – bans, blacklists, etc. I’m going to go down a different road in the spam battle, with the hope that we can come up with something that will eradicate most spam without having to a) spend lots of time constantly maintaining blacklists and b) without punishing all the good commenters. My philosophy is that real commenters should not have to go through extra steps to leave a comment. I do realize that often that’s unavoidable, unfortunately.

Many of you may have good ideas on this – if so, please let me know what they are. As I mentioned, I am toying with some ideas of my own regarding recognizing spam, and will hopefully be implementing some of them soon. If any of you have been working through this issue as well and would like to collaborate, don’t be bashful.

‘night all 🙂

7 thoughts on “Bloo v 0.15 is coming

  1. Hi Bill,

    There is a new anti-spam plugin for MT called SpamLookup that has been extremely effective for me so far. While I’m running it along side the MT-Blacklist plugin, from what I understand, it would block most of the spam without it. It uses a different way of detecting spam in that it checks the incoming IP addresses to see if they are “spammy”. Perhaps you could implement a similar way of detecting spam into your program.

    By the way, when your program is released to the general public, I would love to take a look at it and try it out. 🙂

  2. Thanks Susan 🙂

    My progress is slow. . . but steady 🙂 – I’m not sure when I’ll put this public domain but when I do I’d love to get people’s take on it.

    Thanks for the link on the spam plugins. Much appreciated

  3. I posted about this a litte while ago here. I use a WordPress plugin called Gate Keeper which just does a simple question/answer for comment posters. This has proven to work for me, unless the comment spammers just decided my blog wasn’t worth looking at (which is possible).

    Another idea is from the guy who developed the default WordPress theme who says to just turn comments off (or moderate comments immediatly) for any posts older than 7 days link.

  4. Thanks Jason – I’ve considered doing something like GateKeeper – I thought that was a good idea.

    I may do something similar to it, but without requiring the question (I know, I know, that makes no sense)

  5. I think it should have a quote of the day feature — pull from a DB of quotes and display them at random…

    I saw that on some blog somewhere with these dudes…or something.

  6. Heh – those sound like some very cool dudes 🙂

    Yes, that’s in the plans. Actually, writing a snapon to do that would probably take about 25 minutes. It’s getting all the quotes together that takes forever . . .

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