I think this song is amazingly beautiful. We heard it at our son’s Junior High choir concert the other day. The video below is of Sissel singing it.
Pie Jesu – Andrew Lloyd Webber
Pie Jesu, Pie Jesu
Pie Jesu, Pie Jesu
Qui tollis peccata mundi
Dona eis requiem
Dona eis requiem
Lord, have mercy
Lord, have mercy
You who take away the sins of the world
Grant them rest
Grant them rest
Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei
Qui tollis peccata mundi
Dona eis requiem
Dona eis requiem
Sempiternam, sempiternam requiem
Lamb of God, Lamb of God
Lamb of God, Lamb of God
You who take away the sins of the world
Grant them rest
Grant them rest
rest everlasting, everlasting