"Follow Me"

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

– Matthew 16:24 (ESV)

I have been thinking much, recently, about what it means to follow Christ. To really, really follow Him. I have a nagging sense that I don’t really understand it. I can work for Christ all day, but to deny myself? To take up the shame and horror of the executioner’s beam? And to follow Jesus wherever He goes.

Wherever? Lord, perhaps Abraham could leave Ur for “wherever” but am I made of such stern faith?

At my core I am a timid follower of the Lord. Yet I want to move forward. To improve in my followship. To not follow at a distance, but to walk closely with Him, to have my heart burn as He opens the word. Where a gesture and a wink from Him sends me to my next task. With joy, not grumbling.

Lord, I am not ready. But I want to be ready. I pray and believe You can work with this clay.

3 thoughts on “"Follow Me"

  1. Have you read Cost of Discipleship? The first part of the book relates directly to this and is a powerful read.

    I am unsure if anyone really knows what it means. I would think that Enoch figured it out in the Old Testament. I think that continuing to answer that question is a picture of the Christian’s walk. As you understand the answer better, the more mature you are.

  2. Bill, know what you mean and your “suspicions” are correct. 😉

    How about Wright’s Following Jesus? It won’t “fix” anybody’s discipleship, but man is it a great book.

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