
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

– Philippians 4:4-7 (ESV)

So much to say about this passage, so little time!

Yesterday and today were downer days. Not days of tribulation, or suffering, just days where my soul was a bit downcast (I’ve never really known tribulation, by the way). And this morning brought new issues to think about and worry about. Externally, all is well. But on the inside hope and joy are diminished.

Yet we are commanded to rejoice always. Always. I am ashamed that even in times of the low-level blues I have trouble rejoicing. Yet Paul makes the point, from prison, of all places: “again I will say, Rejoice”. Again, just in case we didn’t catch it the first time.

There is a promise in this passage; a promise of peace. The calming of those reckless waters of worry that splash and swirl, sometimes violently, in our thoughts. This is a peace that passes anything we can understand. It’s not just a feeling. It is a strong guard for our hearts and minds.

I have much to write, and not least about that middle passage: “Let your reasonableness [some translations: gentleness or gentle spirit] be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand;”. Perhaps later.

But I get to go to work now. And I don’t mean that sarcastically. I almost wrote “I have to go to work now”. But the thought hit me – I get to! There are people all over the world, well, all over this city for that matter, who would love to have the job I have. People who would love to have a job.

I’m commanded to rejoice. I’ll start with what’s before me: my commute.

Rejoice, always. That’s the game-plan, that’s the command. I pray that today is a day in which you find it easy to rejoice.

7 thoughts on “Rejoice!

  1. Thanks for reminding me of the peace of God. My mom is having surgery today, and the knowledge of His peace and love calms me. I wasn’t nervous about the surgery until my mom started getting scared this weekend. It’s funny how that works. I am grown, married and will soon have a child of my own; but I still get scared when I see one of my parents scared.

    I have no reason to be nervous, though. Not when God is in control.

  2. B,

    How did your mom’s surgery go? I know just what you mean about being scared when your parents are scared. Some things, it seems, never change. And it shakes you to the core when the people who were your stronghold for all those years are themselves hit by fear. Sometimes we persevere because that’s all we can do.

    I wish you, your mom, and all your family all the love, strength, courage, and comfort that I know God can provide. All my best — and let us knoe here (or at Word Tag) how things are progressing.


    Thanks for the post. I just love Phillipians. Love it.

  3. Thanks for the nice words and concern. My mom is doing fine. The surgery is fairly routine, but it is still scary! There were quite of few church members at the hospital yesterday to pray with my family. It’s nice to feel so supported. She will be in the hospital for a couple of days. Luckily I work at the hospital library, so I can check in on her a few times each day!

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