
I’ve upgraded the Blog to what I hope is the final version of Bloo v. 1.34. Will do a bit of testing on this blog and a few others and then release it into the wild.

This version has been a long, strange trip. It includes an image uploader, which necessitated an Ajax facility (called Bloojax, also being released in 1.34) and – unfortunately (due to an aversion deep in my DNA) lots of Javascript. Javascript requires lots of cross-browser testing, because it’s not standard across browsers.

I’ll quit bellyaching. But this version took me forever to get done (and things can still go wrong – I still need to do final testing in Chrome, IE, safari . . .)

Pie Jesu

I think this song is amazingly beautiful. We heard it at our son’s Junior High choir concert the other day. The video below is of Sissel singing it.

Pie Jesu – Andrew Lloyd Webber

Pie Jesu, Pie Jesu

Pie Jesu, Pie Jesu

Qui tollis peccata mundi

Dona eis requiem

Dona eis requiem

Lord, have mercy

Lord, have mercy

You who take away the sins of the world

Grant them rest

Grant them rest

Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei

Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei

Qui tollis peccata mundi

Dona eis requiem

Dona eis requiem

Sempiternam, sempiternam requiem

Lamb of God, Lamb of God

Lamb of God, Lamb of God

You who take away the sins of the world

Grant them rest

Grant them rest

rest everlasting, everlasting

Private life

I had an irony moment this morning. As you may know, Elizabeth Edwards died of cancer yesterday. This morning a popular morning show aired a segment called “Elizabeth’s Private Life”, featuring a panel of her dearest friends.

A few thoughts:

1. It’s not a “private” life if it’s broadcast to millions of people. that segment this morning was an oxymoron.

2. No one has any privacy anymore. The phone I had as of a few days ago wanted to broadcast my exact GPS position to the world at all times. The journals and diaries that teenagers used to keep under lock and key (horrified at the thought that anyone would read them) are now broadcast to the entire world, 24×7. A large number of people today willingly broadcast their location, thoughts, activities, and images to the world, all day long.

3. Even if you’re trying to have a private life, you are going to find your own image tagged and broadcast to the world on various social media sites, because cameras are everywhere and everyone’s always capturing digital images of everything, Much of the time you won’t even realize that you were having your picture taken.

“Private life” doesn’t happen anymore, unless one is extremely intentional about it.

Murder in the Wings

We saw the Cy Fair players yesterday in Murder in the Wings. It’s a really, really funny play.

Here’s Beth, I mean “Bobby June”, the pistol-packing, faux-Southern Belle undercover agent. She did great.

(for what it’s worth, I uploaded this photo here with the new Image Uploader SnapOn released in bloo version 1.34).

One additional purpose for Luke and Acts

I read a very interesting theory about the books of Luke and Acts in Guzik’s commentary today.

By his title (most excellent), we gather that Theophilus was probably a Roman government official. It is entirely likely that the books of Luke and Acts make up Paul’s defense brief for his trial before Caesar, since Acts leaves Paul waiting for that trial.

Not sure if I buy that, but I think, if true, that’s very cool.


Gosh, College and Young Singles homegroup was awesome tonight. For me anyway. I get more out of preparing for the lesson than I’m sure anyone gets out of participating in it. What a privilege. And then we played “Mau” until after midnight.
