
I came of age at the beginning of the information revolution. I got a degree in computer science in 1984, was on my first set of networked computers in 1990, and first experienced the web a few years after that. I remember when it was uncommon to have an email and almost unheard of for average folks to have anything approaching a “web presence”.

A few years ago I read something by Isaac Asimov in which he predicted the Internet. He envisioned it as a great repository of knowledge where learned people all over the world would share information and truth and knowledge would flourish.

I’m not saying that hasn’t happened, certainly. But what Asimov didn’t predict is that liars, attention whores and knaves would also flood the Internet with their stories and outrages. In other words, he didn’t consider the human condition.

This brings us to today. It’s getting increasingly harder to separate the truth from lies.

We are awash in propaganda.

News of the day

I’m reading the various streams about the new Trump/Russia allegations. I’ve learned a few things recently.

1. If something is unverified

, do your best to ignore it. It may be partially true, very doubtful it’s all the way true. Wait for verification.

2. If the tasty bit of scandal is about your “enemy”, work even harder to stand down. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Love the truth. Steer miles clear of propaganda. Bless those who persecute you.

Working hard to practice the above.

People see what they want to see

Now that Donald Trump was criticized (not by name) by Meryl Streep at the Golden Globes last night for mocking a disabled reporter, I’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon: More and more of his supporters are hardening their stance, claiming that he did not and would not do what it certainly appears that he did.

In our post-truth society, there is no getting through to the true believers. For example, I could point out this Washington Post article. But, of course, we all know the MSM is nothing but lies, right?

Snopes also suggests he did.

Of course, you can find lots of websites, many transparently pro-Trump, that say he didn’t mock the reporter’s disability.

I know we’re all guilty of confirmation bias. Do I know 100% for sure that he did? No. But after observing Trump , his petty cruelties and outrageous behavior, for way longer than I wish I had to, I’m pretty sure he did.

But it doesn’t and won’t matter. It’s hardly worth digging into to find the truth. People will see what they want to see.